A few months ago, I replaced my laptop and my desktop. The move was motivated by a need to reinstall the OS (Windows 8) due to slowness and broken system components. My desktop was particularly nasty - the Windows update mechanism broke, causing it to take 3 hours to boot up. I spent the 2 months leading up deftly avoiding reboots, lest I lose a half-day of productivity. Reinstalling the OS is somewhat traumatic, as I have lots of configuration to do, so I decided that I might as well update my hardware as well. I also decided 2 other things: Try to switch away from Windows dependency as much as possible. For things that require Windows, try Windows 10, since it will eventually be the only Windows choice anyway . Linux On both my laptop and desktop, I am running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - and I have to say, I am doing remarkably well. To my amazement, I can still do all of my mixing in Reaper, on Wine . The MOTU 896 FW interface is another story - Apparently MOTU is not friendl
The personal blog of Scott McGrath: musician, gadget, and car guy.