Gmail: In development for over 4.109578 years (and counting) Despite my having sworn off third-party e-mail providers, I broke down and moved my e-mail account to Gmail recently. I was under the impression I could make the transition without anyone noticing that I was even using Gmail. I set up my personal address to forward to my Gmail account, and then set up the Gmail "Send Mail As" feature to send mail from my personal address. As many users have found out, this is not as seamless as Google makes it out to be. This has been bothering me as well. Gmail doesn't change the sender address, only the reply-to address. Apparently this is because mail coming from a Gmail server (and thus being different from the sender domain) has a tendency to trip spam filters. I did find this note at the bottom of the Gmail instructions: " Note: when you're sending with a different 'From:' address, your Gmail address will still be included in your email header's
The personal blog of Scott McGrath: musician, gadget, and car guy.