This little tip will hopefully be helpful to webmasters with deadbeat clients out there. Scenario: you host site for Joe Smith. The site runs on ancient version of Joomla, which relies on an old, unsupported version of PHP. It's a pain to update, edit, and worst of all is a huge liability. You might get paid to get the site reactivated, but you haven't heard from Joe in long enough that you suspect you won't. You've decided to leave the site functional for another month. Meanwhile, you have a webserver to migrate. What is the easiest way to move the site without breaking it? Run an old version of PHP. There are lots of problems with this option, which I don't think I need to go into. Convert it to a static Imagine if you could have a working snapshot of the site and all of its resources. Images, javascript widgets, CSS, content, everything! The site is a lot harder to edit (although not impossible), but you are no longer anchored to any PHP ve
The personal blog of Scott McGrath: musician, gadget, and car guy.