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Showing posts from June, 2020

Read this if your DJI Spark is "Hopping" (erratic behavior)

My DJI drone has had this issue with my DJI Spark where, when I try to take off, it will  sort of hover, but then "hop" up and down.  It heads toward the ground and then seems to recover.  When it is heading toward the ground, the obstacle avoidance alert is going off. Searching the internet, I found forums littered with a gazillion about "Fly Away" issues. I do NOT consider this is a FLYAWAY issue.  It seems like there are so many issues that are blanket described as "Fly Away", and while I suppose it is possible you could lose your drone as a result of this, it is most likely just going to hit the ground straight below, worst case.  I can technically fly it around, but it is fighting me the whole time.  The obstacle avoidance alert is intermittently on and off. The drone will ascend okay, but it descends VERY slowly (which is kind of scary if you get any sort of real altitude).  Also, at random it will just start heading vertically downward even tho