A couple of days ago, a new, large Verizon Store sprung up down the road. At about the same time, Verizon finally announced the availability of the new and long awaited Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone - The phone that was hyped by Google and Samsung in early October , announced in Late October , promised to be released in November , and then delayed and delayed until the middle of December. It's been all over the news and in people's faces. I figured the timing was no accident, and sauntered in to see if I might be able to have a look at this Ice Cream Sandwich laiden beast. To be honest, I was half expecting them to tell me they didn't have one. As a Verizon Wireless customer in Vermont for over 15 years, I've gotten used to being a second-class citizen. We are the usually the last to get network upgrades, good stores with good phones, or sales people who can handle technical questions. I walked in and quickly surveyed the store, before I was immediately swo
The personal blog of Scott McGrath: musician, gadget, and car guy.